Two definitions of the Gift of Tongues

Jess eating a true Belgiun Waffle

Well well well, hallo iederen!

First–we met a warlock who is the son of a witch. They talked with some other sisters about a year ago (unfortunately they are not in our areabook), but they sound exciting! He literally said, “My mother’s a witch.” HAHA! We’ll see where that goes!

Second–Brussels again! Drove down to Belgium with Zrs Huber, Kimmons, Karlson, Goodman, & Hopkin, plus Elders Harp and Byers. It was quite a party. I got a legit Belgian Waffel!! woooot! Delicious!!!! Heerlijk🙂

Third–the Gift of Tongues, I’ve realized, has 2 definitions.

1st: Languages. Zr Thomas and I had exchanges with the Amsterdam sisters, so Zr Thomas left Zoetermeer and I stayed with Zr Karlson! We taught two great lessons all in Dutch and had a lot of fun at the temple enjoying the beautiful sunshine! Truly a blessed day. 

2nd: Taste. Believe it, Mom, I ate a whole plate of spaghetti!!


What a bomb week:)

Thank you for your prayers and support! I am feeling it out here in Zoetermeer/South-Holland!

Love you all!

Liefs, “Zr Faa”savalu

Jess on splits

Hard work and Harring

Beautiful canal in HOllandcanal in HOllandeating somethingValley in Hollandsunrise or sunset in Holland

Hallo van Zoetermeer! This week has been really good. Monday we went to Delft and I ate harring (its a tradition in the mission to eat this disgusting fish)! We also climbed an old church and the pic gives you the view:) And… well, last Pday was wonderful:) haha No funny elevator stories today, unfortunately. George, one of our potentials that we found last week, was taught a RAD this week. It went very well. He is so enthusiastic! So enthusiastic! Its amazing. We are excited to teach him the Plan of Salvation this week. Also, Zr Huber went back to Den Haag! I am sad to see her go–our trio was one of the best experiences I have yet to have on my mission (and yes, I realize I have a long time to go). I love her so much, she is strong and she is back with her assigned companion and is loving being back in her own city! Zr Thomas and I made panenkoeken yesterday for Sunday breakfast 🙂 yummmmmm! Haha, we like being back to just us, but it is another adjustment. Surely the Lord in His wisdom is working me hard:) Love you all! Hymn #s…227,223, 270, 239, 240, 264, 249, 226, 230, 228, 124, 165, 144, 157. 🙂 “Zr Faa”savalu

Trio in Zoetermeer

Jess and Barry from den Hague

A note from Jenny:  The mission president’s blog was finally updated.   Here is the link to see the new missionaries who arrived in December.  It’s kind of fun to see them, even though they have been at work in the country for two months now.

The latest update from Zuster Faa:


Wow. I’m in Holland! Preaching the Gospel! How crazy/cool/awesome/”whoa”/amazing/special/geweldig is that??
Pretty great.
The PICS are of a beautiful Holland sunset and of me and Barry (from Den Haag).
This week we found 4 really cool potentials, Edwin, Elsa, George, and Saiyd. Wow! They all were very enthusiastic about the Gospel and the fact that we are Americans who left their families to talk about believe and God. Wow. It’s amazing how much the Lord blesses us, missionaries, when we feel like we’re not doing enough. We just have to step back a minute and think “What was the good that happened today?”
There is so much good.
Funny story for you–
We have this recent convert named Mos who loves making taart, pie. He makes taart with the missionaries, elders and zusters, a lot–but because the craziness of our first few transfers, we haven’t been able to go. Anyway, we went Saturday night and had food from Iran and then made the taart. Dinner went too long, so we didn’t have the chance to eat the taart then. After church yesterday, we went with Mos to pick up the taart. It was Zr Thomas, Zr Huber, and I in the elevator (Mos beat us because we went by train and he cycled).
Zr Thomas pushes buttons 1 & 3 in the elevator–Zr Huber and I are like “What are you doing?”
“Oh, I thought we had to put in his apartment number!”hahaha, (Mos lives on floor 6), so we went on two extra floors without meaning to:)
THEN, after having the taart, we’re coming down the elevator, and I push the 0 button, but Zr Thomas comes in and pushes the 1 button. I laughed, then pushed 2. Zr Huber pushes 3 & 4 (remember we’re on 6). I push 5 and by this time we are all laughing so hard. Then Zr Thomas says “It’s like in Elf!” —so she pushes 12,11,10,9,8,7, & 6. All of the buttons are highlighted.
So, naturally, it takes us for-e-ver, to get down to the lobby.
We finally get to floor 0 and all the floor #s are still highlighted. Well, the door opens to the lobby and there was a man standing there, waiting for the elevator! HAHAHAHAHA, when we got out of the building, Zr Huber and I had an ab-workout while laughing sooooooo hard! We really hoped the man needed the first floor and not the 12th! hahah 😀 We are cruel:) hahahahahhaha
Ok, well, that is my graapje (joke) for the week.
The Church is true.
Hymns that have helped me this week:
#86, #129, #158, #165, #124, #136, #134, # 284
Oh! The Zoetermeer missionaries will be singing an arrangement that I came up with of “If you could hie to Kolob”and hymn #321 “Ye who are called to labor” for Zone Conference at the end of this month! :/ Kind of nervous, but it will be fun! I miss singing sooooooooooooo much! I am glad we believe in singing and in hymns and in the Spirit that can come from both:)
Love you all!
Zr Faa

Back in Zoetermeer

Jess and someone

Hallo everyone!

Well, good news–I am back in Zoetermeer!!! With Zr Huber and Zr Thomas!!!
Ok, here’s how last week went:
MONDAY: We, Zr Bradley, Zr Huber, and I, had a great Pday and a long nap!
TUESDAY: Zr Bradley became very sick. I went into the shower room and said a prayer for her and during my prayer, President Robinson called to talk to her! What a blessing! She ended up going to stay with the senior couple, Elder and Zr Romig, for a couple of days. ALSO, Tuesday was a full day, so Zr Huber and I could not accompany Zr Bradley. We had 4 hours of door and street contacting, and man oh man, it was crazy. I was done with doors, but Zr Huber said “Let’s just finish this street, Zr Faa.” and so then it was my turn and I knocked on the door, preparing myself for “geen intreseered!”when a Surinamse lady opened the door and listened to me talk in Dutch. I can’t remember what I said, but I pulled my extra Book of Mormon out of my bag and handed it to her. She asked about the Bible and I told her that we use it with the Book of Mormon. I bore testimony and she asked another question, then she invited us in! We had a great hour-and-a-half with her, talking about her family and her grandparents, then the Book of Mormon and Prophets. We’re going back today at 1! What a miracle on a crazy day with two greenies in the large city of Den Haag.
WEDNESDAY: Another full day. We had Zone Training in Zoetermeer (I saw Zr Thomas!! and I hated leaving her and my city!!) Then Zr Huber and I went back to Den Haag and taught 3 lessons to amazing investigators. We also found the Palace and the Royal Stables (which are bigger and prettier than the palace…?) and got caught in a few hail storms!
THURSDAY: Wow. This was also a crazy day. We found the beach! Just long enough to take a pic, then we left for an appointmentI met Barry, who is quite amazing. We also had a lesson and dinner with Ethlyn (in the pic with me) and I realized I was used to Den Haag–which was very weird and I felt guilty haha–but then we got a call from Zr Robinson saying that we would be going to Zoetermeer Friday!
FRIDAY: Zr Thomas, Zr Huber, and I became a trio in Zoetermeer!! Haha, it’s been crazy. Zr Thomas is almost healed. We are doing a little more every day and she is so excited–so I am, too! Zr Huber is one of my new dearest friends and I just love her. It’s great to be back in Zoetermeer, in the apartment, and everything! THe people! Church! haha:) Love it. Zr Bradley will hopefully be well enough to come back on Wednesday or Thursday. But until then, we have a wonderful, fun trio! 🙂
Thanks for all the support at home and all around the world! I am so excited to keep going and I’ve learned that the Lord means for you to keep learning, so when you get comfy in one spot He puts you in another! hahaha.
Liefs van [a relaxed and trusting]
Zr Faa:)
Netherlands beach