Zuster’s Conference

Zuster Faa, Thomas, and Fredrickson at Sister ConfWith Zusters Friedrickson and Thomas

Wow, this week dragged and flew at the same time. Crazy!


My dearest Zr Young and my wonderful Zr Thomas came and slept over Friday night. What a blessing and a treat to have two of my favorite missionaries/friends with me, all of us together! It was strange to eat at Zr van der Scheer’s with Zr Thomas again! And to have Zr Young there–I had always imagined sharing Zoetermeer with her, but never thought it would actually happen! Wow! The whole night, talking, laughing, catching up on everything and learning from each other…I kept having to blink and realize that it was actually happening! It went by wayyyy too fast, but that’s life I guess. haha.

I loved seeing Zrs…Kimmons, Frederickson, Huber (no pic, she refused), Micah Jones (no pic with my camera, sorry), and the other amazing Dutch zuster zendelingen (pic of everyone should be on the blog soon)! 40 of us strong. 🙂 What a blessing!

Green Pancakes for St Patricks in HollandGreen pancakes for St Patrick’s day

Mo and Faa at Sisters ConfWith Zuster Young

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